Came back from Word For Life class, abbreviate WFL. What is it about? Well, it is a bible class that teach God’s Word and how it is relevant to our daily life. I recall my first WFL class in on “New Believer Class” (Got such thing or not? Can only remember vaguely…), then came the “Basic Doctrine 1”, and then…. More… ha ha. Though some WFL class can be a bit boring, but, it is always blessed to attend WFL, as WFL itself is a blessing to people.
Today supposed to be the last day, but Teck Keong opening sentence is, “Today supposed to be last day…” so, it wasn’t the last day. Anyway, I don’t mind to drag for another week as I enjoyed myself in this WFL class, “The Balance Church”.
I just type out the point that spoke to me most here.
We were on “Lesson 9: Balance as It Relates to Humility”.
1. Real humility is not to place oneself to be the center, but to allow Jesus to be the center of everything.
[This one I knew it very long ago, it is one of key attitude as a Christian I was taught in my younger days. But, many a time, I wasn’t put Jesus in the center of everything, I elevate myself to the throne of my heart often… to place oneself in the center is AKA Selfish, if put it in a simple term. Lord Jesus, help me not to place my interest above You, let my heart always enthrone and crown You as King.]
2. With false humility, a person is afraid of losing face when he cannot accomplish a job.
[This one I can easily identify. A lot of time, I am not willing to try new thing when I am challenge to do thing, not because I felt inadequate, but, it is because I afraid of losing face. Other people may not think I done a bad job, but “Pride” in me think it is such a bad job done…]
3. Because of humility, a person realizes that God can graciously work through his life.
[This is something I must learn to embrace.]
4. To say “I don’t have any ability or gifting” is a sign of false humility.
[I will not say “I don’t have any ability or gifting”, but I often say, “I am not good enough in this area, can ask someone who can do better job?”. The recent such encounter was two week ago, when CC approached me to help to play guitar… and I was truly humbled by CC when she played it herself, she taught me a good lesson…]
5. Faith is that we, plus God, can do everything that He promises and calls us to do.
[Indeed, with faith in heart, we can do everything in Christ who strengthened us, and with faith in heart, we can accomplish great thing for the One who is forever praised. With faith in heart, we have confidence not in our own ability, but in God.
I recalled one small conversation I had with a friend over MSN messenger, I asked if she has confidence on herself. I meant to encourage her to look at herself with more confidence when facing some life issue, and have a better picture of the potential within her. In my heart, I wanted to ask her to trust in God, but she wasn’t a Christian, so I think she may not appreciate it.
Well, if this friend is reading my blog now, I hope one day you will put your trust in Jesus, for He is the one who give you all the confidence you need, and He will be the one who you can ultimate fall back on and have no worry He is not there, because He is the ever faithful friend.]
6. Those who are not humble will dare not declare by faith what God calls them to do.
[BOOM!!! This one struck like the atomic boom that was thrown at Hiroshima & Nagasaki... (I got an interesting article about how the atomic case as recorded in history may be a hoax and a false reports that American tricked Japanese to their surrendering for 2nd World War… but maybe I cover this the other time. +_+ )
How many time I refused to declare and act out what God actually inspired me to do, but because lack of faith, (I thought I lack of faith), but the issue also got to with the “Pride” within me… Jesus, lead me on…]
7. The proud may not dare to set goals because they depend on their natural abilities.
[I always admire my leader who dare to set goal, I understand they set goal not because they think they are able, it is because they believe in God who is able. And, because of their faith, I always encouraged, and inspired to support them…
It is truly required a heart who is humble to set goal, as we understand not every time we able to meet the goal. To have the courage to set goal another after another failure, it is truly admirable and praiseworthy. To set a faith goal, it is to deny the natural ability, and trust in God who can make thing possible.]