Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Getting Thing Done


Reading a book "Getting Thing Done - The Art of Stress-free Productivity".

The biggest challenge is to overcome the internal resistance toward something unfamiliar. In other more familiar term, going out of comfort zone.

Locked my hours for the next days. Let's see how I may keep it up. Changing for better always need persistence in carrying out the plan.


Reading news online. Not very concerned about Singapore local scene. Singapore is doing too well compare to my home country.

Scandal upon scandals;
Corruption upon corruptions;
Injustice upon injustices;
Stupidity upon stupidities;
Shortsightedness upon shortsightednesses;
Incompetent upon incompetents.

When will Malaysians see the light?

People of Malaysia, put on sack clothes and mourn, and express your utter grief for your nation..

What are the practical step I may get involved and contribute to my country in political realm? Am I doing my part? How to do my part?

Start from prayer. I will pray for my nation.

God when will you remove the ungodly from the place of authority? When are those corrupted officer brought down to their pits? Will you not raise up a just generation? Will you not help those people in Malaysia? Show the way to Churches to be involved in politics and to make great influences. Will you not set the godly to represent you?

You said in your words everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist had been established by God. Consequently, he who rebel against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

After 50 years of independence, we only witnessed an useless and impotent governance.

God, is this truly the government I must submit myself to? I don't think so. I believe in a just government that place godly principle as the foundation of their ruling. I will only acknowledge the boundaries and observed those unjust law & regulation for my own safety and interest, and bear with them for a little while, and soon, I will go against them by casting my vote to opposition parties for a better tomorrow... Grant us a clean Malaysia. Bring hope to Malaysian...


Shepherding. Adjusting expectation. Revise the way it is. Dedication. Devotion. Love. Vulnerability. Consistency.

Action plan. Follow up. Discipleship. Training. Teaching.

In all thing, God give me courage.



Blogger The Recreation Corner said...

Why do you consider joining an Opposition Party in Malaysia??? =p

6/9/07 1:29 am  

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