Wednesday, October 05, 2005

About Blogging

Today I stumbled into a friend’s old blog entry and its related comments. It kicks me thinking about the “Blogging phenomenon”.

My stand on “blogging” is this:
1. I blog only thing and thoughts that may be constructive to reader;
2. To reveal certain area of my life to my friend (a progressive approach for me to more transparent for friend that I trusted, for I desire to be know, and know them);
3. To pen down certain activities and experiences to keep my friends update about my life;
4. Ultimately, I wish that my blog able to let people to know of God more, and even more I hope it able to stir within the heart of people to raise the desire to seek Him.

Wilson did encouraged me to reveal all my truthful feelings in my blog, I replied that truthful feelings maybe too naked and horrifying to learn of. I myself keep a book to pen down my thoughts, and my experiences, and it was given the title “My Journal – A talk with God”. The first entry of this personal diary can be traced back to March 2003. I guess that time I wanted to know more about myself. It is very good time for self-reflection when you spend time to write thing down, for your inner conviction/understanding will challenge your sentiment and judgment, it force you to look at yourself closely, like what Bible say “a man who looks intensely into the mirror…”

I believe if we were to pen down the every thought in our mind, I doubt if we dare to put that book in public, for what is within our heart, those surreptitious ideas and thoughts is too hideous to made known. (I now recall a passage that I came across long ago; I shall post it later on). So, as a person, I admit that those weakness and sins I shall submit it to God and account to God in person, or, to those I trust.

Back to my intention of this entry, I find that as a Christian, we are to be more careful of our each entry in the blog, as the blog is open publicly to Christian and non-Christian alike. I am not discouraging truthful sharing, but I urge for more careful consideration when particular point (disagreement within the body of Christ) is brought out. I believe for every judgment and thought is not formed with some simple principles (though some people maybe naïve to think it is possible and some even supposed reader shall have the same understanding to read it accurate as the way it meant to be). Well, I wonder how a non-christian able to comprehend an issue from a Christian point of view. When a Christian share a personal judgment and opinion in blog (when it is not possible to state all the underlying principles which form the judgment), it is unfair to reader, and the people/community involved (when it is clearly known).

How is it unfair to reader? Reader misinterprets the intention of sharing, and form a false idea over issue.

How is it unfair to people/community involved? As the writer not possibly understand where the other party comes from, it is too convenient for writer to share it publicly. Once it is publicized, it is too late for misunderstanding to be cleared, and the damage is done.

For the honor of God’s name, I urge all the Christian to bring all the disagreement in church community to the appropriate leadership/council, and don’t expect an answer from the human’s worldview.

1 Corinthians 6:1-8

Lawsuits Among Believers

If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? But instead, one brother goes to law against another—and this in front of unbelievers!

The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.

1 Corinthians 6:12

"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6/10/05 3:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, concurred.

More often than not, we are unable to comprehend unerringly on the perspectives or outlooks of the columnist who penned down his/her thoughts and arbitration. It is authentic that the judgment of readers would undeniably induce jaundised eyes in his/her sights that are not in possession of the veritable facts.

It isn’t a discernment on the diverse faiths encompassed in human beings. Because all are but under one form of universe. Yet each has his/her own conviction. Perhaps to some, it would probably be a sense of psychosomatic assertion. It still depends on how the person looks at it.

I guess the perspicacity held by most humans is ultimately to veil their revolting and unsightly deeds or actions that once emerged and would possibly appear menacing against their narcissism, and in line with self-righteousness. It’s a factual fact that we can’t deny.

I can have a handle on your point of view that certain entries have to be made meticulously so as not to evoke any contention that would pilot to scores of disputes or even litigations. Especially in terms of religious issues and ethnic groups. A blog is never meant for that purpose…

There’s an issue that marks with contemplative and probing mind. What is the earth-shattering disparity between a non-believer and a believer? It is expounded with the word ‘faith’. A Muslim is a believer of Islam yet non-believer of Christianity and vice versa. It goes on perpetually on the list for others. And who alleges that one is more acquainted with the other? This is eventually another form of judgment being deduced.

Though the underlying principle and cornerstone still lies with faith, unless a person has wholly gained experiences and wisdom to a certain extent on the assortment of religions, he/she should not make any conclusions with his/her fractional knowledge (in this part, I do not mean the faith). For no one will ever possess the judiciousness and sagacity as of that by God. Then again, it also doesn’t insinuate that a person with intellectual capacity and refined knowledge should judge things in his/her eyes. Acceptance to certain echelon is radically imperative.

In God’s eye, He sees everything plainly with His unimpeachable vision. If this is Him, He will plan everything in impregnable precision. Unless a person thinks that he can outwit Him.

Just a penny of my thought :)

6/10/05 3:39 pm  

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